Raptor Research Foundation
2024 Award and Grant Winners

Below you will find the 2024 Raptor Research Foundation's Research Grants and Award Recipients.

Research Grants

Leslie Brown Award: Kiros Welegermina - The race to prevent mortality rate of White-backed Vultures (Gyps africanus) in semi-arid areas in Tigray, northern Ethiopia.

Dean Amadon Award: Ulises Balza - Intraspecific genetic diversity, introgression patterns and adaptive variation in caracaras.

Oscar Beingolea Award: Estefania Parra Ochoa - Evidence of exposure of anticoagulant rodenticides in birds of prey from urban and peri-urban areas of Medellín-Antioquia, Colombia.

The Steven Tully Award: Sanskar Subedi - Assessing the influence of Land use Land cover in the occurrence of owls in Pokhara Valley & their conservation.

Diego Gallego Garcia - Evaluation of spatial and temporal effectiveness of environmental education as a tool to identify breeding populations of an endangered raptor, the Chaco Eagle (Buteogallus coronatus).

Kevin Kritz Award: Ron Milgalter - The space use and flight behavior of the Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus) in the Harod Valley in northern Israel: applied implications in minimizing conflicts with future wind farms.

The Michele Panuccio Award: Marco Brandi - Analysis of the different timing of migration and nesting of the population of Montagu’s Harrier (Circus pygargus) breeding at different European latitudes.

The African Raptor Leadership Grant: Jemimah Amos - The effect of environmental variables on owl distribution. A case study of two legacy KBAs in Nigeria.

Benhildah Antonio - Do anthropogenic factors affect the density and distribution of raptor species in Nigeria?


Koplin Student awards: Congratulations to Eden Revecca, Nicholas Carter, Amaris Shammaa, Ezra Doblarl, and Mika Lacabe.

Early-career Raptor Researcher awards: Our first winner of this new award was László Bozó, who traveled from Hungary to participate in the meeting.

Caregiver Awards: Two travel grants were given this year. Beth Mendelsohn and Caitlin Davis and Bryce Robinson were this year’s recipients.

Wings-to-Fly Travel Grants
Four Wings-to-Fly awards were given this year to Joaquín Cano (Argentina), Varalika Jain (Austria), Radhika Jha (India), and Alazar Daka Ruffo (Ethiopia).

Fran and Frederick Hamerstrom Lifetime Achievement Award: This year’s Hamerstrom award recipient was Dr. Jim Watson.

President’s Award: This year the President's Award was given to two recipients: Marie-Sophie Garcia-Heras and Rebecca McCabe.