Raptor Research Foundation



Raptor Research Foundation Registration

Online registration will open in March 2024.

Before July 27
Before Sep. 22
After Sept. 22
RRF Member$240$270$300
RRF Student or ECRR*$90$100$110
RRF Retiree/emeritus$165$175$185
Non-RRF member$275$305$335
Non RRF Student/ECRR$115$125$135
Non-RRF Retiree/Emeritus$190$200$210
Single Day$105$115$125

Online registration is now open. Current membership in RRF is required to receive the discounted member rate. We encourage you to join RRF so you can receive the discounted rate! The differences between the members’ and non-members’ rates are roughly the cost of an RRF membership. Additionally, RRF members get free access to Cornell’s amazing Birds of the World website, which costs close to $50 for individual access, so this is a really good deal!

*Early Career Raptor Researchers (ECRR) are current students or have graduated within the past 3 years. 

Conference Registration Includes:

  • Admittance to 3 days of scientific paper sessions
  • Wednesday night icebreaker social
  • Thursday evening poster session
  • Name tag and abstract program book

RRF Cancellation Policy: 100% refund prior to 60 days of the event; a 50% refund may be applied to cancellations less than 60 days before the start of the event

Brown adjustable ball cap with leather patch of conference logo.

Cost:  $16 per hat