Get Involved


RRF is always on the lookout for volunteers to help run our society, regardless of experience, education, age, and nationality. Some people volunteer to benefit from the opportunity to network with and to meet new people; others to enhance their professional and personal development skills, and others are just altruistic and wish to ‘give something back.’ Whatever their motivation, each person is helping to shape the future of RRF, and, without these people, RRF could not function.


Positions range from those requiring a three-year commitment (officers, directors, editors, and committee chairs), to more flexible roles that are not so time-demanding (e.g. committee members, conference helpers, fundraisers). All positions are voluntary, and the only requirement is that you are a current RRF member.


All vacancies for senior roles (officers, directors, and editors) are advertised via email and on the website, with details about how to apply and the application deadlines. Vacancies for the more flexible roles (e.g. committee members) are on-going and an informal application can be made at any time with an email to the RRF president at

We welcome all offers of help, and if you’re not sure which position may be the best for you, please get in touch so we can try to match your talents with our needs!

Current RRF Committees

If you are interested in joining a committee, please contact

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