Raptor Research Foundation


Become a Member of the Raptor Research Foundation

Membership of the Raptor Research Foundation is open to anyone with an interest in raptor research and conservation, whether you are a professional or amateur researcher or an interested observer. Our current membership consists of over 1000 people who reside in over 50 countries on six continents, forming a global network of raptor experts. Our members include the world’s leading raptor specialists, as well as professional scientists, educators, wildlife managers, conservationists, students and amateur raptor enthusiasts.

Simply, RRF is an organization of people from throughout the world who work together using multiple disciplines (science, art, policy, etc.) to improve our knowledge, appreciation, and conservation of raptors. We are inclusive and invite to our membership those who wish to develop, communicate, and utilize robust science to improve the lives of all species of raptors.

Benefits of Membership

  • Subscription to The Journal of Raptor Research, our scientific journal exclusively focused on raptor species;
  • Reduced registration fees for our annual conferences. These conferences provide a forum for scientific papers, poster presentations, special symposia, training workshops, business meetings, and informal networking opportunities;
  • Eligibility for competitive grants and awards for student travel;
  • Eligibility to vote, serve as a director, or hold office within RRF;
  • Eligibility for grants and awards of recognition for established researchers;
  • Networking opportunities and support for students and early career researchers;
  • Career and personal development opportunities by getting involved with RRF leadership activities;
  • Free access to the Birds of the World database ;
  • Access to the online membership directory.

Our subscription fees are modest in comparison to many other ornithological societies, and we offer reduced rates for students and for researchers and conservationists in less developed countries. We are a non-profit society, so our members’ subscriptions are essential for us to achieve our goals. Membership fees are used primarily to support the publication of the quarterly Journal of Raptor Research. In 2025, our membership fees only include online access to the journal. Printed copies of the Journal of Raptor Research may be purchased as an add-on to an annual membership for $25 and includes the volume’s four printed issues plus shipping and handling.

Membership Application

How to Join or Renew a Membership:

You can join or renew a membership in RRF online on our membership portal.  Please update your mailing address on your membership profile. For assistance with the online system contact the RRF Business Office at

Raptor Research Foundation

PO Box 4444

Topeka, KS 66604 USA


[email protected]

Membership Categories

Student(must be a full-time student) $25.00
Early Professionals (must have graduated within past 3 years) $30.00
Regular $43.00
Contributing $50.00
Sustaining $100.00
Retiree/Emeritus $30.00
Life (one payment) $1000.00
Life (4 installments) $250.00
Special Country Rate* $30.00
Library/Organization $65.00
Special Country Student$15.00

*All countries EXCEPT USA, Canada, Israel, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, United Kingdom, Ireland, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Spain, and Portugal

Career Stages of RRF Members

RRF often communicates with our members based on their career stage or membership type. You might see references to “ECRR” or “LCRR” committees, conference discounts, networking events, and more in our society communications.

  • Early Career Raptor Researcher (ECRR): these are students or early professionals within 3 years of graduating from their last degree. ECRRs are represented on the RRF Board by an ECRR committee and host events for ECRR members at conferences. 
  • Late Career Raptor Researcher (LCRR): these members are retired or have emeritus status but often are still working with raptors in some capacity. LCRR is a life stage grouping and may include members within either the Regular, Contributing, Sustaining, Special Country, Life, and Retiree/Emeritus membership categories. This member group is represented on the RRF board by a LCRR advisory committee.