Raptor Research Foundation

William Andersen Student Presentation Awards

William Andersen Student Presentation Awards

THE AWARDS: The William C. Andersen Memorial Awards are given to both the best student oral and poster presentation at the annual RRF meeting. This award can only be given to a student once per degree (bachelor, master, or doctorate). To be eligible, a student must be senior author and presenter of the paper or poster.

Students wishing to apply for this award should indicate their interest by checking the box on the abstract submission form. Information on how to prepare and give a scientific presentation and criteria used to judge the presentations are available here].

ABOUT WILLIAM ANDERSEN: The William C. Andersen Award was established in 1982 in memory of Bill Andersen, who drowned in 1980 while canoeing the Churchill River in Manitoba during a Peregrine Falcon survey. Dr. Andersen was a chemistry professor, but his first love was raptors. He established the Ornithology Research Center at Otero Jr. College in La Junta Colorado, as a medium for raising funds for the field research he conducted with his students. His interest in raptors of southeastern Colorado grasslands naturally evolved into developing a solution to the universal problem of raptor persecution. He established a rehabilitation facility and tirelessly lectured to service clubs and school groups about the benefits of raptors. He was a strong supporter of the RRF and a number of students accompanied him to each of the annual meetings. His enthusiasm, sincerity, and humor sparked an interest in raptors among many of his students and associates. While participating in the 1980 North American Peregrine Falcon Survey, Bill and a partner were canoeing on the Churchill River in northern Manitoba. They unexpectedly encountered extremely turbulent water and capsized. Bill disappeared and presumably drowned. In that instant, raptors and those inspired by them lost one of their strongest allies.

William C. Andersen

Dr. Andersen using a Swainson’s Hawk as an education bird to raise awareness about raptor conservation issues.

AMOUNT: The poster award recipient receives $325, 1-year free membership to RRF, and waived page charges to publish their research in the Journal of Raptor Research. The recipient must be the primary author and the paper must reflect what the award was for.

The paper award recipient receives $525, 1-year free membership to RRF, and waived page charges to publish their research in the Journal of Raptor Research. The recipient must be the primary author and the paper must reflect what the award was for.

Number of Awards Issued per Year: 1 paper and 1 poster award.

TO APPLY: This award application requires two steps. 1) Apply online and upload your extended abstract. 2) Submit your abstract using the conference’s abstract submission process. The online application opens in January each year and closes with the conference abstract deadline.

DEADLINE: Conference Abstract Deadline

Application Method: Apply when submitting your abstract. Please contact [email protected] with questions about your application. The online application begins when abstract submissions are opened.

YearPaper RecipientTitle
2024Not awarded
2023Nora HonkompBiological factors associated with the autumn departure timing of North American migratory raptors across a broad-scale
2022Michael AcademiaFood supplementation increased nest success and productivity
of Ospreys, Pandion haliaetus, in the lower Chesapeake Bay.”
2021Brian BusbyRoads as Potential Novel Predators of Wildlife: Are Barn Owls Non-responders?
2019Ariana DicksonNon-target exposure of toxins to raptors: Anticoagulant rodenticides and Ferruginous Hawks
2018Carina NebelExperimental Test of Reaction Times of Pigeons Towards an Attacking Hawk – a Study of the Polymorphic Black Sparrowhawk Under Varying Conditions
2016Christopher VennumDemography and Ecoimmunology of Recruitment in Swainson’s Hawks (Buteo swainsoni)
2015Tempe ReganBarn owl roadway mortality in Southern Idaho.
2014Jamie WadeBehavioral Responses of Burrowing Owls to Experimental Brood Parasitism.
2013Luis Cruz-MartinezExposure and Health Effects of Oil Sands-Related Emissions on American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) in Western Canada.
2012nonenot awarded, joint meeting with the Ornithological Societies of North America
2011Tricia MillerStriking a balance: modeling migration of Golden Eagles through wind energy developments of the central Appalachian Mountains.
2010Joseph BarnesCall-Broadcast Surveys as an Effective Tool for Detecting Breeding Peregrine Falcons (Falco peregrinus)
2009Chris BriggsTesting the heterozygote advantage: population parameters and morph in Swainson’s Hawks
2008Isable CaballeroGenetic Analysis Reveals Possible Extra-pair Paternity and Sex-biased Dispersal in an Urban Avian Predator (Falco peregrinus)
2008James DwyerInterpecific and Intraspecific Social Interactions of Crested Caracaras (Caracara cheriway) in Florida
2007Markus MikaPopulation genetics and evolutionary history of the Flammulated Owl (Otus flammeolus)
2006Emile BerthiaumeShould Detectability Be Included in Hawk Count Population Trend Analyses?
2005Timothy C. Roth II“Diet, activity patterns, and predictability of movement of wintering Accipiter hawks”
2004Diego SustaitaAn anatomical comparison of the hindlimb and jaw of North American hawks and falcons in relation to prey procurement
2003Joshua HullHistorical demography and population genetic structure of migrating Sharp-shinned Hawks
2001Ryan BradyEffects of mammalian dung on predation of Burrowing Owl nests
1999Chad Olson“Hawk shooting, not just a problem of the past”
1998Brian W. SmithEffects of chamber size and tunnel diameter on use of artificial nest burrows by Burrowing Owls
1997Kim J. FernieElectromagnetic field exposure affects American Kestrels: an explanation
1996 Lisa Takats Barred Owl Habitat Use and Distribution in the Foothills Model Forest, Alberta, Canada
1995Andrew KingEffects of experimental food addition on the post-fledging movements of Burrowing Owls in southwestern Idaho
1994Johanna M. WardEffects of experimental food addition on the reproductive ecology of the Northern Goshawk during brood rearing
1992Kennedy Chandler
1991D. Plumpton
1990J. Timothy Kimmel
1989Gustavo Danemann Breeding ecology of the Osprey in the high density, ground nesting colony of Ballena Island, San Ignacio Lagoon, Baja California Sur, Mexico
1988Jeff SmithMorphometric variation in accipiter hawks with emphasis on western North America
1987Thomas Hamer
1982Jimmie R. ParrishIdentification of peregrine falcon natal locales by trace element analysis of feathers.
YearPoster RecipientTitle
2024Eden Revecca
2023João Salvadore FaléStructured citizen science to unravel the distribution of raptors with discreet habits: The first census of wintering Short-eared Owls in Portugal
2022Meghan BeattySnag Density and Stand Age Explain Occupancy and
Reproduction of Southeastern American Kestrels in Natura
Cavities in Successional Forest.”
2019James JarrettPlumage variation in nestling Barn Owls: Patterns of pheomelanin and eumelanin pigmentation differ between males and females
2018Shivangi MishraAnnual and Seasonal Variations in Populations of Endangered Egyptian Vultures (Neophron percnopterus) in Administrative Divisions of Uttar Pradesh, India
2017Haruki NatsukawaDevelopment of a Species Distribution Model of Golden Eagles in the Kitakami Mountains, Northern Japa
2017Kara MoranInvestigation of the Geographic Origin
2016Aiden BranneyBurrowing Owls, Common Ravens, and Power Transmission Lines in the Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area, Idaho
2015Claire NellisDoes being bugged cause stress and alter behavior of burrowing owls?
2014Stephanie SzarmachNorthern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) Genetic Diversity and Connectivity among the Naturally Fragmented Forests of the Northern Great Basin, U.S.A.
2013Pablo AlarcónAndean condors dealing with volcanic eruption-induced mass deaths
2013Andrew HuangSARA-listed (Species At Risk Act) Barn Owls (Tyto alba) in British Columbia: Genetic Diversity, Connectivity, and Divergence.
2012nonenot awarded
2011Ben SkipperComparison of reproductive performance of exurban and urban Mississippi Kites.
2010Elizabeth WommackExamination of Clinal Patterns of Black and White Tail Coloration for male American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) across the North American Continent
2009Stefan Schindler“Population trends and management scenarios for the diverse raptor community of Dadia National Park, Greece”
2008Travis BoomsMolted Raptor Feather Persistence and aging in a Sub-Arctic Environment: Implications for Non-invasive Genetic Sampling
2007Not awarded
2006Not awarded
2005Not awarded
2004Corey RidingEffects of nest cleanliness on burrow re-use by Burrowing Owls
2003Not awarded
2001Not awarded
1999Brian Smith“Ecoparasites on Burrowing Owls: potential effects on nest site re-use and growth, body condition and survival of juveniles”
1998Pamela FreemanAnalysis of variation in Barred Owl hooting calls
1997Brian L. HertingTestosterone-induced variation in the vocalizations of male Western Screech Owls
1995Lisa TakatsBarred Owl Habitat Use in Foothills Model Forest, Alberta
1994Andrea ErichsonCommunal roosts: seasonal dynamics of a White-shouldered Kite population in the Sacramento Valley
1992Laura Beatriz Rivera-RodriguezBreeding ecology of the Crested Caracara (Polyborus plancus) in the Cape Region, B.C.S., Mexico