THE AWARD: Caregiver Grants are available to support attendance at our annual meetings. These awards are intended to support and retain talented researchers and scientists, regardless of their caregiving responsibilities, and to promote diversity and inclusion in RRF. 

Funds can be used to cover expenses associated with childcare, elder care, or other caregiving services. Examples of eligible costs include costs associated with providing caregiving (at the venue or at home), travel of caregivers or dependents to the annual meeting, or additional lodging costs. 

Any Raptor Research Foundation member who plans to participate in the annual meeting by giving a paper or poster presentation, leading a workshop, or other activity, may apply for the award. A successful Caregiver Grant application does not prohibit applicants from applying to other travel awards such as Wings to Fly or the Anderson Memorial Award.

AMOUNT: We anticipate awards will range from $100-$500, but there are no set levels. If we do not have sufficient resources to cover all fundable requests we will consider offering partial support to applicants. 

Number of awards issued each year: Variable, up to a combined total of $3,000.

TO APPLY: Submit online:

  • Name and email
  • RRF membership status
  • How you will participate in the annual meeting
  • Amount requested 
  • A short (limit 250 word) paragraph that describes the budget, resource needs, and how the caregiver funds will be used.

Deadline: Abstract submission deadline.

Decisions will be announced before the deadline for early conference registration.

Review: Funding decisions will be based on the demonstrated need for support and eligibility requirements.

Application Method: Apply online. Please contact with questions about your application. 

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