Raptor Research Foundation

Partners for Raptors Lifetime Achievement Award


The Partners for Raptors Lifetime Achievement Award honors outstanding individuals who have dedicated their lives to raptor research and conservation. These notable awardees are recognized for their significant contributions to the study and conservation of birds of prey, as well as their outstanding achievements gained through innovative field work, impactful collaborative partnerships, and a lifetime of inclusive interactions with their peers and the public focused on raptors. This is a joint award originally given by the Raptor Research Foundation in partnership with The Peregrine Fund. Going forward, we welcome partnerships with other raptor-oriented organizations, depending on the nominee’s involvement with both the proposing organization and RRF. The award is intended to complement RRF’s Hamerstrom (primarily academic focused) and Cade (primarily conservation focused) awards.

The nomination committee consists of representatives of both RRF and the partner organization. Once a nominee is identified, the boards of both the RRF and the partner organization will ratify the nomination.”

Amount: This is a non-monetary award, designated with a plaque and a RRF resolution honoring the awardee.

Number of Awards Issued per Year: No limit.

Deadline: Applications received year-round.

Application Method: Please contact [email protected]  about this award.

Past Recipients

2023Roy Dennis
2022John Schmitt
2022Simon Thomsett
2021Robert B. Berry