Raptor Research Foundation

Stephen Tully Research Grant


THE AWARD: The Stephen R. Tully Memorial Grant is given to support research, and conservation of raptors especially to students and amateurs with limited access to alternative funding. The award is given in memory of Steve Tully, a young raptor biologist, who lost his life in an automobile accident in 1978. Agency proposals are not accepted.

ABOUT STEPHEN TULLY: The Stephen R. Tully Memorial Grant was established in 1983. The grant honors the memory of Steve Tully, who died as a result of a car accident in 1978, at age 21. Steve was a falconer with an enthusiastic interest in raptor biology. It was a measure of Steve’s dedication to raptors that he was searching for his trained Red-tailed Hawk immediately after the accident when he tragically died of internal hemorrhaging before he received treatment for his injuries. Steve’s family and friends established the grant in homage to him and to perpetuate the conservation and study of the raptors he loved in life. A Colorado resident, Steve was married to Babette (née Cranson), another early RRF member.

TO APPLY: Applicants should submit

• A cover letter highlighting the motivations, objectives, and expected outcomes of the study

• The applicant’s CV

• A proposal of no more than five pages, including:

o Background and justification (need)

o Study objectives and methods

o A budget detailing how funds will be spent

o A list of other funding sources, both requested and received

o Expected results

o Literature cited (maximum one page)

• A photograph of the applicant, preferably in the field, to be used when awards are announced.

AMOUNT: up to $4,000 plus waived page charges to publish the research in the Journal of Raptor Research. The recipient must be the primary author and the paper must reflect what the award was for.

Number of Grants Issued per Year: 1

Application Method: Apply online through June 30th. Please contact [email protected] with questions about your application. The online application opens in January each year.

Past Recipients

YearTully RecipientTitle
2024Sanskar SubediAssessing the influence of Land use Land cover in the occurrence of owls in Pokhara Valley & their conservation
2024Diego Gallego GarciaEvaluation of spatial and temporal effectiveness of environmental education as a tool to identify breeding populations of an endangered raptor, the Chaco Eagle (Buteogallus coronatus)
2023Gabriela Crisanto TéllezPersistent organic pollutants in American Kestrels in Mexico.
2021Siddhartha RegmiBreeding Success and Conservation of White-Rumped Vulture in Syangja District, Nepal
2020Brittanie L. LoftinPopulation Genetics of Mississippi Kites in the Great Plains
2019Diego Ricardo Mendez MojicaSurveying critical sites for the conservation of the King Vulture in central Bolivia
2018Jessica SchlarbaumPrey preferences and provisioning rates of American Kestrels in the Central Valley, California, United States
2017Anoj SubediExploring the Status and Distribution of Owls and its Conservation Initiatives in the Raghuganga Gaupalika of Myagdi District, Nepal
2016Paula Maiten Orozco ValorEffects of Agricultural intensification on the demographic and health on a typical raptor of agroecosystems, the American Kestrel (Falco sparverius), in the center of Argentina
2015Danielle FloydNorthern Saw-whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus) population dynamics in the Southern Appalachian mountain range
2014Anna AutilioFeeding Behavior of Striated Caracaras (Phalcoboenus australis) in the Falkland Islands during Austral Winter
2013Yarelys Ferrer SánchezPopulation size and effects of habitat fragmentation on reproductive ecology of the Cuban black hawk in the central region of Cuba
2012Tate MasonThe impacts of anthropogenic noise on Northern Saw-whet Owl hunting ability
2011Laxman Prasad PoudyalVulture Conservation Awareness Program in Chitwan National Park, Nepal
2010Scolasticah NdegwaDistribution and population size of Martial Eagles in Kakemega Forest, Kenya
2009Jessi BrownEcology of the Southeastern American Kestrel
2008Mark JasperDetermining the effects of parasitic disease on the onset of migration of Red-tailed Hawks (Buteo jamaicensis) using stable isotope analysis
2007Corinne KozlowskiAndrogen allocation in the Eastern Screech Owl
2006Michael A. PalladiniCooper’s Hawk foraging ecology in an interior ponderosa pine forest: response to experimental restoration treatments at an Adaptive management Area
2005Ursula ValdezEcology and Habitat Use of Forest-falcons in the Amazonian Forest of Southeast Peru
2004 No applications received
2003Shelley Bayard de VoloGenetic fingerprinting for identifying individual Northern Goshawks in studies of survival
2003Gabriel Jaime ColoradoMonitoring the migration of North American raptors in Northern Columbia
1999Roberval Alameida and Eduardo BaldiocedaStrategies for conserving rainforest raptors in the buffer zones of Costa Rica national parks
1998Nicole KorfantaPopulation genetics in resident and migratory Burrowing Owls
1997Jennifer JacobyThe genetics of a reintroduced population of an endangered bird, Falco peregrinus
1997Stacy LindemannFactors affecting biparental care in the American Kestrel
1995Wendy A. KuntzRegional variation in the vocalization patterns of Mexican Spotted Owls
1994Robert WarnockEffects of habitat fragmentation on Burrowing Owls
1993Elsie V. SchmidtMorphological & genetic variation in migrating raptors
1992Martha J. Desmond 
1991Neal D. Niemuth 
1991Kevin J. Merkel 
1990Cynthia Sills 
1989Dale K. Ward 
1988Gian Basili 
1987Kelly Hogan 
1986Vicky J. Meretsky