Wings to Fly Travel Award

“Wings to Fly” Travel Awards

THE AWARD: The “Wings to Fly” grant supports travel from outside the U.S. and Canada for four to five raptor researchers or conservationists to present a paper or poster at our annual meeting.

Each grant will include support for airfare, visa fees, and food and lodging, as well as waived conference registration fees and a one-year membership to RRF.

AMOUNT: The amount of the grant will depend on travel costs from the recipient’s home country. The maximum award will be $2,500.

Number of grants issued per year: Up to 5

TO APPLY: Submit online:

• Title and abstract to be presented at the RRF meeting (maximum 300 words). If relevant, explain your detailed Material and Methods (maximum 300 words).

• List any degrees obtained and in progress.

• List any species of raptors you are working with and what aspect of raptor conservation have you been working on – research, monitoring, applied

conservation, education advocacy?

• List any scientific papers you have been involved with.

• Please provide a short motivational essay: How will attending this year RRF conference contribute to your professional development and raptor

conservation work in your home country (maximum 300 words)

• Students, please provide the names and emails of two references.

• Estimated travel cost to the conference location.

DEADLINE: To provide time for recipients to arrange visas and travel plans, the deadline for applications will be March 31. Decisions on the winners of the awards will be made within two weeks of the deadline for applications. If a visa cannot be obtained in time to attend the conference, the award will be deferred to the following year’s meeting.

Application Method: Apply online through 31 March. Please contact with questions about your application. The online application opens in January each year.

YearWings to Fly RecipientPaper
2023Sandra CuadrosSharing is caring: The role of sociality in foraging efficiency of obligate scavengers
2023Batbayar BoldHome range of breeding Saker Falcons (Falco cherrug) in Mongolia
2023Sara MorollonWildfire response of GPS-tracked Bonelli’s Eagles in eastern Spain
2023Sangeeth SailasProvisioning rates and prey composition of a declining predator, the Little Owl, in contrasting European farmlands
2023Matias JuhantTowards a macro-theoretical framework to analyze the biology of raptors
2023Isamar Flores-RodriguesRise and demise of tropical island raptors: the post hurricane occupancy shift of the endangered and endemic Puerto Rican Broad-winged Hawk and generalist Red-tailed Hawk
2022Ulises BalzaAbundance and breeding success as weak indicators of the status of an endemic species: Genomic differentiation among the most important global populations of the Striated Caracara (Phalcoboenus australis).
2022Zahra DidaraliAwareness of environmental legislation as a deterrent for wildlife crime: A case with Masaai pastoralists, poison use, and the Kenya Wildlife Act.
2022Márton Horváth42-years of simultaneous increase in population size and fecundity within an Eastern Imperial Eagle population: When will density-dependence play its role?